I Bio Attitude Ltd.


I Bio Attitude is an Organic soul, travelling, discovering, tasting, and choosing. Choosing the best olives for the perfect Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The best grapes for the most aromatic, sensorial, and pure Organic Balsamic Vinegar. Choosing fruits, herbs and essences for the most intense Organic Jams and sauces. Cheeses, flours, grains, vegetables, vines, I Bio Attitude retrace down the Nutritional European History. Back to the origins, 2500 years ago, back to the indigenous primordial Ingredients, unconsciously recognized by our DNA and accepted by our organism because natural, natural, and again natural.

These days, many products come from far away with a significant carbon impact related to transport, uncertain quality and traceability, and neglecting a suffered local economy. Sustainable choices are crucial to be more attentive to customer’s needs and to the emergencies of the planet. In every place there is a craftsman, there is history, passion, culture, and in every place, there is a client. We rediscover the best artisans in the area and their organic, sustainable, high-quality, and fear trade products. Because fear trade is relied to your neighbors.
