A Food Revolution for the Planet, People and Profit

Let’s walk you through twelve months of healthy, ethical, responsible, and sustainable gastronomy.

Probiotics & Fermented Food



Being Bio, a Triple Bottom Line of Local & Organic Food Sources

It is necessary to be organic before doing organic, and being organic is in the behavioural naturalness of all of us; it is natural to take care of ourselves and protect our immune circle. Organic means preserving the ecosystem around us, allowing our families to live in healthier environments. Care and protect your crew and your clients not serving food affected by pesticides and fertilisers. Being Organic is overall being in love to guarantee a better and healthier lifestyle.

Choose organic and traceable local seasonal foods instead of intensive productions coming from far away. A local product, harvested at just maturity, will bring health to your body; an untracked ingredient harvested raw and distant will not bring many benefits. Seasonal local products, due to short transport, have a lower impact on polluting the environment.

A local product generates social benefits: jobs creation and wealth. A relieved producer reinvests his earnings in the local economy. Investing in foreign economies is not directly our goal, nor does it bring benefits to your company.

Is it more expensive? Indeed, there are spending priorities in your activities, budgets, and business plans to comply with. Being organic is also thinking about prevention; healthy food makes your clients healthier and happier. A well-structured network of local synergies might allow reducing intermediaries, third-party commissions, and purchasing prices. Your supply chain will be guarantee by a name, by a person. Your business can grow the local economy, and the local economy will make your business growing.

Paolo Sari